CintaScotch Duckie

This is simply a drawing of a duck. This duck’s head just so happens to be represented by a lock. Nothing else about the duck is special. He is an average duck. He does normal duck things daily, and thinks nothing of it.

One could attempt argue that this is the case with people too. As solipsistic of a view as it may be, some people believe other people to lack conscious control of their actions, and are simply units coded according to story; the story of the main person’s life. To truly believe that this as fact is known as a God Complex. Why people think like this, I’ll never know. I think its important that human beings don’t just have normal heads. Our brains are like locks. Complex codes, combinations, etc. As much as people hate to admit it, a good amount of the people around them are just as suited, if not better suited, for accomplishment, free thought, talent, and just living life, than they are. I think it’s important to acknowledge individuality as something we all possess, as its almost apathetic and wrong to think otherwise. IMG_6937.jpg

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